Favorite destination?
The Next Destination - every place has a unique experience to offer!
Why is that your favorite destination?
Every travel experience has had something different to offer. It may be a visit to a National Park or historic landmark. Sometimes, it’s just some well-deserved down time on the beach!
What destination is on your bucket list?
Paris, France
Why is that destination on your bucket list?
I'd love to stroll through the Louvre and view some of my favorite paintings.
What destinations have you visited?
St. Thomas, St. John, Aruba, Canada most of the USA, Mexico, Walt Disney World and Disneyland!
Why should someone book their vacation with you?
I believe in collaboration. Our conversations are the framework for your next great travel experience! My focus is to advocate for you and manage all of the details to get you exactly where you'd like to be!
One thing you’d like our members to know about you?
I enjoy growing and sharing fresh herbs and vegetables from my garden!