Life Insurance Agent: Alfred Ricca

Alfred Ricca


Virtual Life Insurance Center
Get in touch with a life insurance agent today.


(508) 578-2332 (508) 578-2332

Life Insurance Agent

About Me

My wife and I have spent the last 30 years adopting and rescuing large and small, fury and feathered animals in need of forever, loving homes. They are our family and we have been honored to proudly share our lives with them. We hope and pray that one day we both will be reunited with our three horses, one donkey, two pot-bellied pigs, five dogs, four cats, one goose and 15 chickens that have crossed the rainbow bridge. Currently our family consists of our remaining donkey, two dogs, two cats, three geese and 12 chickens. Yes, you can say we are both huge animal lovers and advocates for those that are in need.

Why Life Insurance is Important

My wife and I unfortunately lost our parents and one of my sisters all within a 15-month period. If it weren't for life insurance, it would have been a huge financial burden on us for final expenses over and above the emotional devastation we went through. Although they had small policies, something is always better than nothing.